Phil Wood's Letters
Letter #84
Phil Would Want You To Have Fun
From Captain Harry D. Reynolds, Jr.
To Margretta Wood
21 February 1945
February 21, 1945
Infantry School Bn. Hq.
TCCP, Tent Camp #2
Oceanside, California[1]
Dear Mrs. Wood,
Finally I get to write you a note I’ve wanted to write you for some time now. I wanted to drop you a line and give you that information and address you wanted. My gear was somewhat long coming, and since I had the address in my trunk, I could not send it as prompt as I wanted to. Then when it came, I somehow still didn’t get to it and I hope you’ll forgive me for the delay. Sgt. Arthur “B.” Ervin gave his dependent according to my records the name of his wife, Mrs. Odina G. Ervin, 649 W. Ave 28, Los Angeles, California. As for the other things we talked of concerning Phil’s things, I have heard nothing of them, but maybe you have already. At present, they’ve kept me on here as an instructor and I don’t know how much longer I’ll be here. For the past couple of days, I must admit I’ve been a little “down in the dumps” because the boys are in another one and I’m not with them.[2] I just hope and pray for all of them and I know they’ll make out OK. I expect to get overseas duty again soon, and maybe see them all again before long. Do you ever hear from Frank Shattuck? I hope he is well. Also, please give my best regards to Phil’s sister. I’m sorry I did not get to see her when I visited you – I understand that N.Y. has had a pretty bad winter this year – I hope it will break for you and the spring will bring lots of sunshine and happiness to all. In spite of it all, Mrs. Wood, I hope both of you are getting out and enjoying what you can, as I know that Phil would want you to have fun no matter what. He was one grand boy, and a fine officer and all of the men loved and respected him as all of us who knew him did.
Your friend

[1] At the time of this writing, Harry Reynolds was serving as an instructor at Training Camp, Camp Pendleton (TCCP).
[2] “Phil’s things” are presumably Phil’s personal effects (sea bags, trunk, etc.) stored at Camp Maui prior to shipment to his next of kin. Margretta eventually received the belongings, although none are known to survive today. “In another one” is a reference to the ongoing battle of Iwo Jima, where 1/24 was heavily engaged for nearly a month.