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Baker Company

Company B on Tinian, 5 August 1944, at the end of the Marianas campaign.
Photo courtesy of John F. Nash.


Earle C. Dunn

15 November 1942

5 January 1943

Valor Awards

Campaign Navy Cross Silver Star Bronze Star*
Paul H. Hoff
Joseph C. I. Boisclair
George F. Claar
William A. Eddy, Jr.
Albert J. Estergall
PFC Kenneth W. Mosty
Richard H. Murphy
Joseph D. Swoyer
Iwo Jima
Charles F. Aldinger, Jr.
Rondall M. Baird
Francis H. Brucker
Albert J. Estergall
Joseph J. McDermott
Joseph D. Swoyer
Garrison F. Tucker
Thomas E. Underwood

This table only shows decorations awarded for service with Baker Company. Names in italics indicate posthumous award.
* Because no comprehensive list of WWII Bronze Stars is known to exist, this category is incomplete.

8 thoughts on “Baker”

  1. Joseph D. Pileckas

    My Dad, Henry G. Pileckas, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines, Baker Company… there anybody out there that remembers him? He fought at Guam, Saipan and Tinian and then was sent to Colgate University for Officer Training.

  2. My grandfather was Donald B Strunk (Slim). He was a machine gunner and landed on Iwo Jima via the USS Hendry on February 19th. He was wounded on the 24th with shrapnel and was evacuated. He was 1st Battalion, 24th Marines, 4th Marine Division (and Baker Company according to this site). Does anyone know this name? I am desperately trying to find any remaining vets who he may have served with.

  3. Hi,Thank you so very much for starting this sight up.I am sure you can understand how important this is for so many people. My Grandfather was Hugh Stevenson, company B First Sargent.He is pictured in the photo at the top of this page.If you or anyone has any information about him please contact me. Jeremy Reichert — P.S.If there is any way possible to get a copy of the photo from the top of the page it would be Greatly Appreciated .Thank you again. Great work.

      1. Thank you so very much, Geoffrey.All the information is very helpful.For you to take the time to give so much information, I am amazed.You have help me more than words can say. He passed sometime ago.So very nice to have one more photo of him.You Sir,Are National Treasure. Thank you for bringing my Grandfather back to life. THANK YOU FOR BRINGING ALL THE MARINES BACK TO LIFE. Gone,but not Forgotten. SINCERELY,Jeremy Reichert.

  4. PFC Kenneth W. Mosty was my great uncle and died in combat. If anyone has any information, please let me know. He was KIA 7/31.

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