James Robert Moorman
Marine Corps Reserve | Service Number 437920
October 6, 1922
in Westville, OK
Walter Erwin Moorman
Sanna (Galbraith) Moorman
Details unknown
Geer Drugstore
August 25, 1942
at Savannah, GA
October 19, 1942
from 6th Separate Recruit Battalion
February 19, 1945
Wounded and evacuated from Iwo Jima
February 20, 1945
Died of wounds
Route 6, Spartanburg, SC – address of parents, Walter & Sanna Moorman
Service & Campaigns
Boot camp with Sixth Separate Recruit Battalion, New River, NC. Outposted directly to First Separate Battalion (Reinforced) on 19 October 1942.
Outfit: D/1/24th Marines (2nd MG platoon)
Rank: PFC
MOS: 605 (Heavy machine gunner)
Outfit: B/1/24th Marines
Rank: PFC
MOS: 504 (Ammo carrier)
Outfit: B/1/24th Marines
Rank: PFC
MOS: 504 (Ammo carrier)
Outfit: B/1/24th Marines
Rank: Corporal
MOS: 600 (MG squad leader)
Important Events:
February 19, 1945 – critically wounded in action (gunshot, abdomen; multiple shrapnel wounds) and evacuated to LST(H)-929.
February 20, 1945 – died of wounds aboard LST(H)-929.
Individual Decorations
Purple Heart
Iwo Jima (Feb. 19, 1945)
Service Stories
Please share a story if you knew this Marine.