Dear LaFerhn + Dutch,
If I’ve ever wanted to write a letter, this is the one. I landed here on Saipan June 15, D-day for the Marianas invasion. This is D-plus-twenty-seven [sic], and yesterday we secured this hell hole.[1] We actually ran the Japs into the sea. I’ll tell you all about it later in a letter. I’m safe and fairly healthy. I’m writing this in a fox hole and I’m filthy dirty + sweaty and plenty wore out. We are moving back today to clean up and a little rest, maybe hot cooked chow.[2] Incidentally Dutch I got a few slit eyes for you.
There are still Japs about two hundred yards to my rear by the ocean in caves. The engineers are blowing them up right at this minute, which means more good Japs.[3]
I shaved twenty seven days ago + washed eleven days ago so you can figure out how I look and feel. I received two letters from you, but expect all back mail soon. Hope I receive the cookies. I’ll write you very soon and tell you all in detail. Write me soon, for I really like letters.
Till later,
Lots of love
1. Everett is off by one day; July 11 was D-plus 26.
2. A three-day march back to rest areas was scheduled to start the next morning. Unfortunately, it would not be simple as the Marines were expected to hunt down and eliminate stragglers along the way.
3. The First Battalion was one of the units to reach Marpi Point at the far northern tip of Saipan and witnessed the mass suicides of Japanese soldiers and civilians. Clearing out all the caves would take several more days.